Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lake George or bust…

What a drive… left Woodstock this morning at 8:30 with Motorcycles in tow… started out beautiful weather wise, but turned cloudy later in the afternoon.   We hit the border crossing at Fort Erie at 10:30 this morning and drove right up to the U.S. Border Patrol Agent.  He did a quick check of our rig, inside and out, only saying the problems with these RV’s is that people smuggle illegals into the U.S.   Well, we did not have any of those with us…

We cleared right away, and headed east of Hwy. 90 out of Buffalo to Albany, New York.  (Albany is the State Capital).  If you can believe it, it cost us $43.75 to drive the 300 or so klms. on this toll highway… I just about S_ _ _ ….  I guess New York State must be broke, as 2 years ago this toll was only about $20.00 or so.

This first picture has nothing to do with New York, but has everything to do with desert last night at Chris and Kristina’s house, while watching the Canucks win!  Rhubarb Crisp!  It was good.


We only took a few pictures pulling into our camp ground tonight in Warrensburg, New York, about 12 miles north of Lake George.  Nice pool!


On the other side of the blue tent, is the Schroon River… lots of fish and very high water with all the rain… we are just due south of Montreal!


We have a great campsite at the end of a row…


Soon after arriving at around 5:45, we ran into Patsy and Frank from Gravenhurst, and then soon to follow, was Rick and Jim.  We all got together at our RV and enjoyed a BBQ and refreshments!  Had the fire in a can going to keep the bugs off!  Good to see the old clan again! 


Tomorrow we will all get out on the bikes, and scout out Lake George area…

Till tomorrow…


  1. The Canucks are rolling. I think they had some Bruin crisp.

    A Arizona Holiday

  2. Must be a hockey thing as we had Rhubarb Crisp and ice cream watching the game last night too. Looks like you've got a nice spot there and a good place to meet up with your friends.

  3. go Canucks..we will have to wait and see tomorrow!!!,,enjoy being together will all your friends!..$43 for a toll? goodness!!

  4. That is a great campsite. Enjoy your posts.
