Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Phew... 28 Deg. C. today!!!

Just days ago we could not keep the RV warm enough it seems, and well, today everone was looking for the A/C switch!

This morning was real nice, with the sun out, so I decided it was time to get the hose and bucket out, and do some house cleaning! I have not had a chance to clean up the RV since we made the big trip back from Florida...

You always start off at the top, and first off was getting the roof nice and clean. Got a real good workout doing this job this morning...

It took about 2 hours to give the entire rig a rub with the brush, but it is all nice and cleaned up now... all set for summer.

This afternoon Judy and I spent over in London, as we had medical visits to take care of. I will now have a couple of Speciliast to go and see over the next couple months, but all should be good.

I have to go in July to visit my Cardialogist for a stress test, but that should be an easy one, after walking 5 miles every morning all winter long! Is that called cheating???

After the Dr.'s Office, we made our way over to visit the Canada Passport Office. Ours are coming due this year, so we signed up for new 10 year passports under the new system. $160.00 each!!! Yikes... They sould arrive in 2 weeks we are told.

Till tomorrow...



  1. 10 year passports? I wonder if they give refunds for unused portions?

  2. Loving this hot weather, finally!
    Our passports are do this year too, need to get on that soon.
