Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Desert winds were blowing today!

You had to have you hat tied on tight today, as the winds were a blowing!  Right from when we got up this morning, it was windy, and it is still blowing as I watch the final moments of the Leaf Game tonight… ouch, it hurts, they lost!

We simply took the day off today, as it was too windy to do anything.  We went out for a quick walk, and checked out the craft show at the big Hall… but other than that, not much going on. 

I started watching some of the Humana Golf Challenge on the golf channel this afternoon but it got delayed as the wind was too high for golf…

Tomorrow, we may head in and watch the final round, will have to see… my blogger friend, Rick, from Rick & Paulette's RV Travels wrote a real good rant about the tournament, as they have a crazy rule about not allowing cameras into the tournament!  What is that all about? 

Till tomorrow…

1 comment:

  1. That was quite the windstorm yesterday alright. All's quiet on the western front this morning though so that's good.

    If you do go to the Humana Golf, sneak in your smartphone and secretly take a few pics for your blog!

    What are the odds of getting caught, right?

    Thanks for the mention of my 'rant'. My new post will probably get the remaining golf addicts who aren't mad at me really boiling now.
