Friday, September 26, 2014

Daytripping to "Clovermead" and Charlie's first haircut!

It seems Ontario, and most of North America is stuck on summer! What a day we had here today! Twenty Five Deg. C and nothing but sun! We will take it!

Got a text from Kristina this morning, asking if we wanted to join them on a day trip out to Clovermead. This is a great Child Adverture place, and we had Gwenny here 2 years ago, so it was time for a re-visit.

This place is all dressed up for fall... It looks just great and the kids love it!



Hard to believe it is the end of September and everyone in shorts today...


Gwenny took a ride on "trigger..."

They have lots of animals for the kids to see... check out Gwenny and the Peacock above... Charlie just loved all the animals, and just sat down in front of them to watch and talk to them, what a guy!

Did not take long for Gwenny to find a bunch of different slides...

Charlie kept pointing up at this crazy goat, living up on Billy Goat Bridge. You can use a pully system, and send food up to him... I think he is best fed in the whole park!

By far, Gwenny's most favourite thing, was bounching on this huge Jumping Pillow... it was a blast! We could not get her off of it!

While Gwenny was bouncing, Charlie was picking out a pumkin...

Noak's Ark was also a huge hit with all the kids... hmmmm...seems I am over loaded with pictures of Gwenny today... well, here are some great shots of Charlie's first haircut that happened yesterday!

His big blonde locks were getting a little long, so off to the Barber with him!

Seems we needed a bit of comfort from Mom during the first part of this cut...

Seems he warmed up a bit after a few clips of the magic sizzors... starting to look like a new young man!

Hey, I would say your good for a couple months Charlie, before you have to think about going back!

Now there is a good big sister, who jumped up in the chair and had her golden locks clipped back a little bit... Gwenny apparently could not get enough of it!

Looks like another great weekend weather wise...enjoy everyone!

Till tomorrow...



  1. Fun day out. And the hair cuts look great too. Hoping Charlie is a bit happier about the hair cut now....LOL

  2. Tell little Charlie that's exactly how I feel whenever I have to get a haircut! It's a horrible experience and a complete waste of time!

    I'm now going to check my pics of Mason to see how his blond locks are coming along!

    Loved all the pics of Gwenny and Charlie too - sure looks like a fun place for kids - and adults!

  3. Perfect weather and another fun outing, nice hair cut too.
