Judy here. John wanted me to post an update so here I am doing my best.
John is in Pittsburgh at an Ecolodge tonight en route to Tennesse to see Shawn, Jenn and our wonderful grandaughters, Emmie and Paige. He said they have free wifi at his hotel but it doesn't work!
He left Gravenhurst this morning and toured through the clouds on his motorcycle and did not hit rain until the border where it poured. He said he was soaked right through but continued on and in about an hour he was bone dry again. Kind of like a wash and dry cycle I guess.
He arrived in Pittsburgh thinking it would be an easy task to find a hotel but got himself lost and was on reserve with no gas stations or hotels in sight. He finally found his way back out to the I-79 and found gas and a hotel. Phew! I think he was sweating it for awhile.
He called me around 9:00 p.m. and had found a nice supper and was starting to relax.
Meanwhile back in Gravenhurst I went to the laundramant to do the bedding and had to make my own supper! I miss John already!
I spent a leisurely evening after supper reading a final draft of our daughter Kristina's Master's paper. Wow, she is a smart cookie. Very interesting reading on patient/surgeon interactions but often way over my head.
It was a busy day at work today but I felt ready to face all the challenges after yesterday being a rainy day and therefore a very relaxing one. We slept in, did some Wii Fit, played scrabble, read and watched a movie.
Great news from the Morrison's tonight. They have booked a park model for two weeks at Caliente Springs where we are spending 3 months this winter. Can't wait!
Ta ta for now.
*Pheebs and I made it out on another beautiful looking sun drenched
morning. With all the melting going on, country roads were a muddy mess
and having j...
5 hours ago
I like having Judy do a post every once in a while. Hope to hear you more.