This afternoon, Judy and I were simply sitting around the RV, taking life easy, when she says, “Hey, why don’t we head in the Wharf and check out Rib Fest and the Boat Show???” In fifteen and 1/2 seconds I had my trusty Olympus in hand and fired up the Jeep to head into Gravenhurst. This has turned into an annual event in Gravenhurst, and this year there were quite a few people enjoying a very nice day on the water today. Our Wharf project is located on Lake Muskoka, and is quite a spot… check it out!
When they designed and built our Wharf project, a couple of years ago now, they were able to keep it looking very natural along with having all the modern conveniences people want now… this first picture indicates that I took it while standing somewhere out in the bush…

but the reality is, I am simply standing on the boardwalk!

Lots of natural flowers surround the boardwalk to keep it looking very Muskokish…

That is the Marriott Hotel in the background, on the left. Check out the ducks on the rock in the front left of the pic…

This building is the Regatta Restaurant, a fine Steak and Seafood Restaurant. You can sit out on the deck to enjoy your dinner. The building is built on piers right out over the water. Right beside this is a Boston Pizza that is built the same way!

Lots of vendors were set up in booths, they were selling stuff for your boat or cottage.

I thought these weather veins were neat! Made of real brass…

Ya, I know, this gazebo looks just like the one from the shots I took last Wednesday at Bike Night!

You HAVE to have at least one picture on your blog with our Steamship in it if you are from Gravenhurst! It is our bread and butter!

This is my favourite shot of the day, and is taken just up from where the Seguin docks…

Walkers Point Marina had a bunch of boats on display in front of Boston Pizza. Judy is checking out a nice one, then turned to me and asked if I had checked our Loto 649 ticket from last night???

The boat’s ranged in price from a low of about $20,000 right up to a high of about $160,000.00. One to fit everybody’s budget!

Check out the speakers on this one…

OK… where is the gas pedal?????
This is a kind of overall view of the wharf project from the south end.

Yes, it was a nice way to spend a bit of time in the great outdoors on a Sunday afternoon!
Till tomorrow…