Picked up Mom at 8:30 this morning in Orillia and we headed for Mallory Town to visit Uncle Art, (Mom's only living Brother) for his 90th. A great day for driving and we made it by 3:00 p.m. Got backed into our parking spot that Peter reserved for us and joined the Party! Had to be close to 75 people or so that showed up, as it was a great day for a party!
Took pics of course... the first one is my cousin Carol with Mom visiting in the RV.

Peter and Marion's home on about 35 acres I believe...

No problem to get backed in, just had to dodge a few cars.... I kept looking for Judy with the
walkie talkie to guide me, but I left her in

Party was in full swing when we got there....

Cousin Bob from Calgary, (just retired 1 month ago) knows where Peter keeps the beer!

Uncle Art's farm animal cake!

Cousin Sue and David....
doesn't David look real happy! (he was, just a bad picture...)

David ,
Gweny, and Bobbi...
Here is Bob and Liz trying to convince Mom she should move out west to Calgary, but then she would have to cheer for the Flames! Not going to happen!

Uncle Art was overwhelmed by the amount of people for his party! He kept telling everyone to GO HOME!

Here the party in in full swing....

They were dancing in the streets....

The Beck Clan, and two of them were missing... just don't ask who?????

A bunch of his Grand Kids, and one Great Gran Daughter....

Gail the next farm over neighbour, lost her Brother to cancer on Thursday of this week, so the Becks auctioned off this brick that was from the original apartment building on Rouchon Street in Montreal, after the building burned! Over $400 was raised and will be given to Gail so she can travel to Kingston I believe, for cancer treatments for herself! Yes, the Becks have heart! One of the kids won the brick, and the Bobbi gave him $50.00 for it, which was promptly given to the fund for Gail! Everybody won!

This is what happens when you give your camera to someone, and say "hey, take our picture..." You take what you get!

It is now 11:00 p.m. and Mom is sound asleep in the motorhome, and they party is still going on outside by the fire. Too many flying bugs that bite you for me tonight, so I came in to do up this blog and will now retire!
Till tomorrow.....