Up early having coffee with David and Angela in Bracebridge this morning… beautiful day, sun and 25 degrees C. Perfect!
David and Angela have been having some problems with the sump pump hole in their new home, seemed to always be too much water and too much pumping going on, so today they workers came to install a new gravity feed line to try and fix the problem…
There was no horsing around when the digger showed up… I told David to get his new John Deere tractor and trailer out, and he would match the digger…

David was not too stressed out about the whole thing… they had to dig about 7 or 8 feet down to get low enough coming out of the sump pump hole, below the basement… big job.

We had to leave during the digging… ( I could have watched that machine all day!) and head to Orillia for a medical follow up for Judy after her Nasal Surgery. 1st good new of the day… all is well, healing good, the Dr. and Judy are happy! If Judy is happy, I am happy!

Right after the Medical, we were on the road to Barrie. A short 20 minute drive south of Orillia. Back in the early 1970’s, Orillia and Barrie were the same size – 25,000 people. Now Orillia is about 35,000 and Barrie is 125,000! Barrie is still growing, and happens to be closer to Toronto and is very progressive. We had a appointment at 1:00 with our Scotia McLeod Financial Planner, Graydon Oldfield, and arrive at 11:45 so we had time to walk down the main street to find some lunch.
We had lunch in a nice little Cafe, and Judy did a bit of shopping. We still had a bit of time to walk down the the waterfront area. Barrie sits right on Kempenfelt Bay, part of Lake Simcoe. They have done a great job on the water front.
The center of the waterfront has a nice little gazebo and pond… lots of Canada geese.

Lots of wide open space…

Quite a few condo developments built right on the waterfront.

Below is looking back at the downtown, from the waterfront.

They built a waterfall for the geese… not!

Here is a great shot of the bay… I can remember back in the mid 1970’s, Barrie held a Winter Carnival every year, and it was right on this frozen bay! People would park their vehicles out on the bay… I can remember them have automobile drag races ON THE FROZEN BAY… not anymore!

I got the picture of the sculpture below, but don’t have a clue what it is or for! No time.

As we walked to the Scotia McLeod Office, we found this unique restaurant with the open balcony of the roof… cool! It was full today!

We made it to our appointment on time, and Graydon was right on time himself, all prepared for us. He always wants to hear our travel stories and hear how we are doing… he thinks it is great that we are “living our dreams”…
More good new, the performance of our investments for the past year was simply excellent. We were very impressed. It was all good news as we spent an hour and a bit going over everything with him.
Graydon says we can “keep on trucking!” in our RV Lifestyle which is great news for us for sure!
I am in such a good mood tonight about the whole day, that I decided to give Graydon and his Company a plug… here is a link to their website.http://www.monteitholdfield.com/index.php
Nothing like a good news type of day!
Made it back to the RV in time for supper!
Till tomorrow…