Man, it does rain in California.... it pours.... and it pours in Arizona. It rained here all last night and all day today. It finally stopped around 8:00 tonight. Yikes. Water everywhere.... This morning we were having breakfast listening to the local Yuma Radio show, and all of a sudden the emergency broadcasting system took over the radio station and started issuing warnings to everyone about the high winds, big rain, and flooding. They have "dips" all over the place here on roads, and they all have a sign on them that says "dip". It is a low area on the road that will allow flood water to run across the road. You are warned not to enter the dip when there is water, as you do not know how deep it may be. We have been in some big dips... The radio uses a slogan about it.... "Turn around, don't drown"... They warn you that 1 foot of water running through the dip and push your car off the road. One of the big problems down here is people drowning inside their cars during big storms.....
California is getting hit very hard. They are getting hit in L.A. and San Diego, right where we recently toured with the Morrisons. Not good. Lots of snow up in the mountains also.
Speaking of the Morrisons, we received an email from Pat letting us know they arrived back in Alliston safe and sound. They had a good trip back with no delays. We sure did have a good time with them while they were here, still can't believe all the places we went to.... glad you made it home safe!
With the rain today, we just sat inside the RV. I did some research and reading about photography, specifically a book that Kristina and Chris, gave me for my birthday last year. It is an excellent book, that helps you set up pictures, how to take them, what settings to use etc.... I want to start doing some more manual type shooting, rather than depend on my auto settings. These days, you can also do a lot with your picture on your computer and I played with that a bit today.
We received some comments on the blog from France last night, Melanie! Good to hear from you and we are glad you keep up on our travels. Melanie stayed with us in Gravenhurst on a Rotary Exchange a few years ago, and fell in love with Canada while she was here!
Kristina and Chris pick up their new dog tomorrow, and apparently have been watching the "Dog Whisperer" program, and are ready to become pack leaders! Good luck!
I took a couple pictures today of the rain and winds here, but do you think the blog program would let me load them.... no way... I don't know what is wrong with it.... will have to do some research... hhmmmmmmm....
Till tomorrow
*The first stop for Pheebs and I on our way to Goderich this morning was at
Richard and Gayles house to see if they needed anything from town. Richard
11 hours ago
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