Sunday, April 6, 2014

Market Day...

Hottest day of the past week today, with temperatures hitting up into the 90's... whew! This is what we paid for!

Judy and I were up in Winter Haven this morning to attend Church, which was nicely air conditioned!

This afternoon, we convinced Tom and Cheryl that we should head up to Auburndale, and take in the International World Market! Pretty impressive sounding... right?

The Market is OK, but hardly what I would call a World Market... there are some bargoooons. Judy is purchasing some skin cleanser that she uses for only $4.00 a bottle, which she has paid $60.00 for in the past!!!! What? The isles look bare, but there were actually quite a few people in the market today. I did buy a new iPhone 5 phone case that clips on my belt for $5.00! Works for me!

The problem with this market today was, it was HOT! At least you were out of the sun inside the market, but it was still pretty hot, as these building are not really insulated the way they would be up in Ontario.

Don't even ask me what was going on in the picture above... this guy showed up in this RV and bought some parts, loaded them on the RV somewhere... and headed out! Ya, that is a fake fisherman up on the roof... the rear end of this thing is about 4 inches off the road, and that is the way it drove... crazy!

Nothing else happened today, other than a nice time back home during happy hour, when we quenched our thirst for the day!

Till tomorrow...



  1. With those prices, it sounds more like a flea market than a world market.

  2. I'd say that MH is a little overloaded.

    Can't beat an iPhone case for $5!

  3. That Toyota RV is in need of some air bags. I bet it does not drive well.

  4. You really do se some interesting sights all over the country, sounds like a fun day.
    And the heat sure make you thirsty for Happy hour.
