Spent most of today packing the house...(again...) it is starting to show progress, but I will be glad when it is all done. Lots of boxes, I don't know where all the stuff came from.... Keep smiling Kristina, your turn is coming....
When we were not packing, we were riding our motorcycles. Took an all day ride with Angella and Dave on Saturday and went to Kilarnay for Fish and Chips...it was good. Weather started out real bad but got better as the day went on. Here are some pics....
David is getting ready to take some pics...

Here is a couple of bike chicks....look pretty happy for lousy weather...

Of course we had to stop for ice cream....(actually, we stopped twice!)

We finally made it to Kilarney, see the nice sky!

Of course we found the fish and chips!

Lots of boats up in Kilarnay

This was a real neat boat that was tied up...

This pic is from today when we went up to the falls at Bracebridge:
Beautiful day!

This guy was having fun at the falls in his sail kyack or whatever it is...

That is it for today, sure was fun reading Emmie's blog today and seeing how she was the life of the parties for Canada Day and the 4th of July.....must be nice to get to celebrate both!
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