Sunday, October 21, 2012

What a Weekend...

Sure had a fantastic weekend... great to see everyone in the Family! This morning we all got up and headed back down to the restaurant for another great buffet breakfast...if I ate here every morning, I would weigh 300 lbs in no time!

All the kids were soon on the road home, after breakfast, however I wanted to hang around and visit Mom again before heading back to Woodstock. We had to put a hour in before we could see her, as she had gone to Church.

So we decided to take a nice walk along the waterfront in Orillia. They have done an incredible job with the waterfront project, with a complete trail system for walking and biking...


Not sure what they do with the boat in the pic above over the winter, but it sure looked good today at the park... it was a great day for walking, and lots of people were out and about!

Tonight we are back in Woodstock, and have one week before we hit the road... time to start getting ready.

Till tomorrow...


  1. Looks like a great time. I see you are posting with Blogsy without the least bit of trouble. I must be slightly retarded. LOL

  2. Nice waterfront park to meander on.

    Family visits are to be treasured, aren't they?


  3. Glad to hear you had a wonderful time. Pictures don't looked like you all were so happy.

  4. Great family time with lots of good memories created.

  5. Always fun family times, now time to get packing.

  6. always nice to spend time with family ...we will sure miss ours when we pull out...

  7. Sure a nice looking little waterfront park.

    I think that motel is going to miss the Hollinger invasion bonanza they enjoyed.

    It sure is a great family tradition.
