We walked across a section of the desert and came up to a High School. The picture below is what I call an "Arizona Snow Fence"....
First thing we found was this hydro line that looked like it was starting to get washed out!
Here is Judy just a motoring along with the mountains not far off...
Not too far in, we found that there was all agricultural land back here, and they had a major irrigation ditch to feed water to the fields.
Below in the picture you can see the Mexican workers, working in a lettuce field....
Lots of mountains back here in the middle of nowhere!
Judy snapped this pic of me in action....
This field was harvested, and is now ready for new planting. This was near the end of the road , and we were just about out to the freeway to shoot back into Yuma.
Well of course after we got back near home we had to stop and wash up... the bikes were real dirty. It was nice and warm, and was not too hard a job...So here is you little history lesson for today. Around 1856 John Butterfield put in a bid with about 4 other Companies, to provide Mail service east to west across U.S.A. He was the successful bid of a contract worth about $600,000 per year! (Remember... 1856) He only ran it for a couple years, and it took hours for the stagecoach to make it across. For example, from Yuma to Tucson, Az. is about 280 miles, and it took 72 hours. They would have to go right across the U.S. This was pre-railway, so they thought it would be a good way to do the mail. The Postmaster General lived in Tennessee at the time, and favoured Butterfield's route, as it was a more southerly route than the others, and hence would not run into winter and snow problems. It looks like after a couple of years, Butterfield could no longer keep the Company going, and sold the route to a good friend of his (Wm. Fargo) who owned a Company called "Wells Fargo"!
After dinner, we headed into Yuma on the bikes, and attended a Christmas Concert Judy had found, that was happening at a local Church. It was excellent, with the Yuma Youth Choir, and another group called the "Chamber Singers". They were both excellent. We did get a little "cool" on the way home. The temps can drop here at night!
We got MAIL! Our first letter came today! Jenn, Shawn, and Emmie sent us their Christmas Card! Thanks! Wow... Emmie is getting big!
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