Hope everyone had a great Christmas Day, and Boxing Day as well... we sure did. We sure did miss visiting and eating with our friends and family this year, but enjoyed ourselves in the south west. With all the technology these days, we did get to speak with numerous friends and family which was great.
She surprised me with this one. I have always wanted an original Swiss army knife. I do the accounting of our money while we are away, which means recording our expenses daily. She bought the knife on our credit card, and when I questioned the expense a few days ago, she simply said she needed a new paring knife for the kitchen. I said "OK" kind of thinking to myself, "man, that is one expensive paring knife..." Thanks dear!
We had to take a picture of this farmers sign, he had Santa driving the tractor.
We stopped on the way home at the little Church we talked about before on the blog. We were the only ones there.
After our bike adventure was over for the day, it was time for Christmas dinner. We had a pot luck type of dinner in the Rec. Hall. We had 20 people at our table, which comprised mainly of our happy hour gang. It was one of the best meals I have had in a long time. The Resort donated the Turkeys!
We enjoyed the meal and the fellowship of our new friends in Yuma. Don't forget, most of them are Canadians in these pictures, so we have a lot in common.
This last picture today, is from earlier in the week when we had a happy hour gang Christmas Gift Exchange. Judy ended up with a Guitar Hero Game, and I got the stress ball!
We took life easy today on Boxing Day, it was a bit cool, only about 17, so I ended up playing Texas Holdem with the gang, while Judy read a book. I came in second overall and brought home the money! ($32.00) Wipee!
Gotta say "Happy Birthday" to my good friend David in Bracebridge, (aka Gator). Hope you have a good one, and keep those 18 wheels on the pavement!
Till tomorrow!
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