Another great day in Arizona today... sunny and warm, lots of sun, just the way we like it.
Not too much on the go today, Judy spent the day getting ready to fly to Tennessee to visit Jenn, Shawn, and of course EMMIE! She leave tomorrow afternoon Arizona time. Hopefully the weather does not mess things up too bad. It is actually supposed to rain here on Wednesday and I think it rained in Tennessee today, so who knows... time will tell.
Did not take many pictures today as we did not do a lot. I spent the morning finishing up the wax job on the RV. It is all finished! That was a job and a half.... One product I have to mention, is the new fibre cloths they sell now in Wallmart... they work great. You can clean with them dry or wet, and they do not streak.... try them!
This picture below is our RV with our fancy lights just after it got dark... around 6:00 tonight as I was out on the BBQ...
Did not take many pictures today as we did not do a lot. I spent the morning finishing up the wax job on the RV. It is all finished! That was a job and a half.... One product I have to mention, is the new fibre cloths they sell now in Wallmart... they work great. You can clean with them dry or wet, and they do not streak.... try them!
This picture below is our RV with our fancy lights just after it got dark... around 6:00 tonight as I was out on the BBQ...
Lots of palm trees in the park, and yes some mountains in the background...
Judy and I got the bicycles out and biked over to the local mall to pick up some last minute items for Judy before she leaves to see the Hollingers for 1 week. It was a great day for a bike ride, and we toured up the wash after we finished at the mall.. They have a bike path up the wash... OK, a wash here is a dried up river bed that remains in place for when the big one comes, and they have to deal with about 12 feet of flowing water in hurry... forgot the camera so we have no pictures of the wash, but I can fix that for you soon...
Yes the Marines were out if full force today... you would almost think WWIII was breaking out.
These tow guys are in the process of landing at the Davis Monthan Marine Base about 4 miles from where I took this picture.... which was our RV lot...
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