Man did it rain today! Yikes... When we left Tucson this morning it was pouring and water was everywhere... we had to hook up the motorcycle trailer in a flood! Judy wore here duckies and was wading in water going "Quack Quack...." Finally we got hooked up and headed out. It is a two hour drive up to Phoenix, however I wanted to take the back roads which would have been three hours, but..... we decided not to, as it was raining so hard and I had been up the back roads on the motorcycle and there was a bunch of dips on the road. Dips fill with water and that is bad news in the desert. When a dip fills with water you cannot go into it as you have no idea how deep it actually is, so I did not want to get caught out in the boondocks and unable to reach Phoenix and leave Gerard and Debbie hi and pun intended....
We made it to Phoenix and camped out at Wallmart just 3 miles from the airport. Judy did a boat load of grocery shopping while I messed around trying to get the hockey game of course, but NODA... nothing..... Thanks to Kristina for texting me the updates... glad to hear Canada came through...
We left Phoenix and headed up to Sedona...2 hours... we came in from the South and the mountains are unbelievable.... you cannot tell someone about the beauty here at Sedona... I am going to wear out my camera here and you are going to get sick of looking at the pictures... wow...
Anyways, just a quick update tonight with no pics.... tomorrow maybe! Oh, and yes, it is a bit cooler here... we are up at the 4,000 foot level...
Till tomorrow....
*YES WE DO HAVE A LOT OF SNOW IN OUR PARK**An inch of snow overnight is
better than a foot of snow so I have little to complain about today.
Darn!! Wi...
22 hours ago
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