Hard to believe, March 1st. all ready, 4 months down and 2 to go! Wow, where does time go?
We had a great day today. Cloudy at first, but the sun soon came out and stayed out for the day and warmed up very nice. Debbie and Gerard came by mid morning and we decided to head into Sedona (our camp ground is about 8 miles out...) and get us some tourist info!
We stopped at the time share where they are staying for a nice lunch, and then it was time for a Hike. We picked Bell Mountain and the Courthouse for our first one!
These are a couple shots driving from our camp into Sendona... everywhere you look it is nothing but mountains and buttes... (a new word we learned today!)
Took these from the car as we drive into Sendona...
Some great views...

Wow.... and we are not even into the good stuff yet...
Sedona is a "tourist" type town, and they take that very seriously.... this is a shot taken from inside the town! The whole town is under construction.... getting ready for the next wave of tourists...

You don't even have to leave town for some great views....

Hard to concentrate on your driving...

Starting to get out to our destination....

I had my wrong lens on the camera, but this is a close up of the outside of the Time Share where Deb and Gerard are staying...

Our destination, Bell Mountain....

I forgot what mountain this next one is, but I thought it was cool....

Here is the crew just heading out on the trail head...note Gerard is all ready double

A closer view of Bell Mountain....

This is a view of an
adjoining canyon...

We all got into a big fight on which way to go... Debbie won!

This mountain has very unusual
contours in the rock as you can see...

As we walked around the base of the mountain, the view changed all the time. I liked this tree growing near the very top of the mountain, I caught it with the zoom...

As we got around the back of the mountain, Deb and Judy decided on a side bar... they wanted to climb the crazy mountain... up we go....

Judy told Deb she was hungry, and Deb said, "Hey look, there is

As you can see, we started to get up there.... Gerard walked over to the edge and stared to contemplate life.....

This was the view across the valley floor as we climbed up Bell Mountain...

Hard to describe what this part of Arizona is really like, you just have to come and see it. Every time you turn around you go "Wow.... look at that!"

This little guy tried to elude the camera, but I tracked him down... he lives half way up Bell Mountain.... fits in good with the local terrain.... you can hardly see him and he moves like a flash!

Can't you tell they are starting to get ticked off, cause I keep asking them to turn around and look at the camera... the back of
their heads are not near as good looking...

This is a high as we felt we could climb... Courthouse
Mountain is behind Judy and I.... Deb took this pic for us....

As you can tell, the rocks and dirt are all red around here, and after looking at this next picture I now know why we all had red butts on our jeans...

If you look at the centre of this picture you see a little dot on the flat ridge... some guy actually climbed up to that level on the mountain.... could not believe it if I had not seen it myself....
Just another great view...

As we drove back into Sedona we came across this unusual Chapel that was built into the side of a mountain.... we went to take a look....

We had started walking up, but it was farther than we thought, so Gerard went and got the vehicle and picked us up on the way up... they had reserved a RAV 4 but Hertz did not have any left so they had to settle for this real nice Infinity Q.... nice car...
This is the final runway up to the Chapel...
Made it to the top! Hard to believe this was all built in the early 1950's....

As you can tell we had a great day... finished off with happy hour and supper at the RV.
Till tomorrow....
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