Saturday, October 13, 2012

Where does time go???

Phew, where does time go... the weekend is just buzzing by, and I never got to even blog last night! Too busy, again!

Yesterday afternoon, Judy and I drove up to London, Ont. to attend the CAA Office. Time to buy my travel insurance for this year. We decided on CAA for myself, and Judy will purchase Insurance from The Royal Bank. These worked best for us. For about a 136 days of Insurance for me, it ended up costing $1,170.00! That what you get for turning 60 and having past heart problems! This year, Judy's will be around $500.00.


We left London and headed right for Waterloo. Time to visit Deb and Gerard again. We all loaded up and drove up to Heidleburg, to enjoy a Dinner Party at Darlene's place. Turned out to be 9 of us, and I think 3 times I split my side laughing so hard at the jokes and stories going on! We had a great night!


The picture was taken with the smart phone with no flash, so sorry... however you do get the picture!

We stayed until 11:30 talking up a storm and enjoying fellowship with the group! Plans were laid for Gerard, Deb, and Darlene to come and visit us in Florida in Feb.

Gwenny and Kristina came out tonight and enjoyed dinner with us in the Motor Home. Had a great time!

Lots of rain here tonight, and in the next few days it seems... might be time to load the Ark!

Till tomorrow...



  1. Looks like a very happy group...flash or no flash.

  2. Well, it's raining on the west coast too.

    I would like to load up the Ark and head out but that will have to wait till late December.

    Interesting info on the health care costs and where you chose to purchase from.

  3. The dinner picture sure shows everyone to be having a great time.

    I hope we end up getting enough rain to float an Ark out here - we need it.

    Is Gwenny going to be going down to Florida for a visit this winter? If not, how will we get our fix of Gwenny pics?
