Today was a scorcher! Hot! We got up this morning and Judy started to work online, doing our Income Taxes! What a job.... but thanks to the help from Angela up in Bracebridge, we had all the info and Judy got it all efiled! Augh.... the joys of an electronic world!
As you drive around this area, there are no flat stretches... you are in the Ozark Mountains and it is either up or down.... we found a place call Indian Point, and it was real nice with a campground on the lake....
It seems the people in this area love to Trout fish, and Trout are not native to this area. So, in 1958, Missouri built this fish hatchery to start raising Trout to stock local lakes and rivers. In fact they now have 5 State hatchery's, that produce 2,500,000 trout a year! They are all released into local waters, some in the fall and some in the spring.... and most of them are all caught by local and visiting anglers! There is a huge economy built around this. The Anglers pay fees to fish, and help drive the local economy of Branson and other areas...
This pond contained "brood fish" that they harvest eggs from to start the process....
It takes 30 some odd days for the eggs to hatch and then they start raising the young trout... you have to see it!
We bought some fish food and it was just a mad dash when you throw some in the ponds...
Lots of fish....
There was 20 some tanks here, and they use a 1/2 ton truck to run between the tanks, and spread fish food to feed them all on a regular basis....
We learned a lot about the fish business today!
Made it back to Town, just in time to find Dairy Queen!
Enjoyed Happy Hour with Ontario Friends, and then went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays to celebrate Income Tax day, and a great winter we have enjoyed in the South West U.S.A.
Till tomorrow....
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