Hit the road at 9:00 this morning, and had to crank on the air conditioning right from the get go! This afternoon, our temperature was over 90 degrees F. Yikes!
We drove from Memphis to the east side of Nashville. We are in the Town of Lebonon. We are in a great park tonight that Judy found via Passport America, for all of $12.50 for the night!
Tonight I won the fight with Star Choice and got to watch Ottawa beat the penguins!
It is nice and green here in Tennessee... check these out...
There is a lot of swamp type land on the west side of Tennessee...
It is a nice drive through this area, and we took our time and enjoyed it! We were at our campground by 2:00 p.m. You could not drive too long today... just too hot!

We got a nice drive through site, so did not have to take the motorcycle trailer off! Yeah!
\Here I am starting to put up our internet satellite as well as our Star Choice...
Judy was walking around the park and took these pictures.... dishes are almost up!
Watching the news tonight, and I see the Cdn. $$$ has gone above the U.S. Greenback in value. This is good new for people like Judy and I.... may not be real good for Trade though....
Tomorrow we will make it to Johnson City and get to visit with Paige and Emmie, Shawn and Jenn as well. We learned today that Jenn's Brother, Ryan, had to under go brain surgery back up in Toronto, but is doing very well and should be out of the Hospital soon! Here is hoping!
Till tomorrow....
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