Happy Easter everyone! Judy and I were up at 6:00 a.m. this morning and enjoyed an Easter Sun Rise Service, that was offered by the Resort outside beside the pools... it was nice... they supplied free breakfast for everyone afterwards.... about 100 people attended!
Big new of today was the earthquake! At about 3:40 p.m. our time, which would have been about 6:40 Ontario time, we experienced a 6.9 earthquake here in Southern California. The centre of the earthquake, was about 50 miles south into Mexico. One man has been reported killed in Mexico as his house fell in on him, but they are expecting more...
I was on my bicycle taking garbage to the dumpster and did not really notice it. As soon as I got back to the RV Judy was all over me to take in the canopy as it was rocking the RV all over the place, as the winds had been up a bit this afternoon.... it was not the wind.... we soon found out it was the quake! Judy said it rocked the RV back and forth about 4 times... Many people in the Resort felt it and commented on it. I was reading on Hughes Net Home page, and the city of Calexico, in California suffered damage.... Judy and I had been there a couple of times when we were staying in Yuma... it is a Town right on the Mexican border. They say about 20 million people felt the quake today! There have been 3 after shocks already. This is the first big quake they have had out here for quite a while now. Yes, tomorrow we head for the east!
Judy and I also enjoyed a nice pot luck lunch put on in our Resort this afternoon, along with about 100 people! Good time had by all!
We had a couple pictures, but forgot the camera in the bike, and it is all locked up in the trailer tonight, so it is going to stay there!
Till tomorrow....
*YES WE DO HAVE A LOT OF SNOW IN OUR PARK**An inch of snow overnight is
better than a foot of snow so I have little to complain about today.
Darn!! Wi...
21 hours ago
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