Today was get away day for us, as we left Vegas behind and headed south down into southern California.... the Town of Boulevard to be exact. We are an hour east of San Diego and 5 miles south off Hwy. 8. We are real close to the Mexican Border again, so it is Border Patrol time. We came across a number of them working today as we drove into our Park.
This first picture was left over from Vegas, the ESPN Restaurant to be exact. We had diner and watched the Leafs play as well as the Calgary game... it was a blast... This is the master wall...

They give you a nice booth to sit in, and you have your own
HD TV with 12 possible ESPN channels to watch, and the
surround sound come out just behind your head and ears.... very cool. Gerard and I are also facing the Master Wall... no other way to describe it... it has two real big pictures on it as well as all 12 leads.... too much information sometimes... you don't know where to look, but we had fun trying....

We walked around the strip for a while, and came across these two building in the
same complex.... don't know what buildings they are, but it is real neat, the one closest to the camera leans to the right and the one behind leans to the left. It makes an awesome optical illusion in real life and you can sort of get the picture from this picture....

We had the big wheels rolling this morning before 8:00 a.m. A new record I think.... It started as a nice day in Vegas, but the wind was up as we hit the interstate Hwy. We had to cross a couple mountain passes.... as you can see they were quite high here... I think the largest pass we had to cross was about 5,000 feet, and we dropped to sea level by the time we got to San Diego. All it does, is really mess with your ears... we think even
Patra had some problems today with her ears

As you get to southern California, the mountains smooth out a bit, and it was quite nice. Lots of spring flowers are growing everywhere....

Wildflowers growing on side of road...

We made it to San Diego, and then headed east on Hwy 8 towards our Park which was about 45 miles out. Just before the park we pulled off up in the mountains... and the clouds were a little
ominous and it was raining.... we had climbed about 3,500 feet from San Diego....
We made it to our park by 4:00. It is very nice and secluded... nothing around for miles.... all we can hear is the coyotes howling in the distant and some wild turkeys walked thru our site this afternoon... It got dark fast and was cool, so we did not look around much this afternoon. They have free wifi here that works real good so we don't have to put up our dish.
We also were able to have a 15 minute skype conference with Emmie this afternoon, and she read a book to us on the computer... you had to be there.... she is getting so smart and talks big time now....
Here is the front office building of our new park....

All of today's pictures were compliments of Judy as I was busy driving the big wheels...
Hopefully it warms up tomorrow and we can get out and about...
Till tomorrow....
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