Although Judy did not get to celebrate her birthday in "Our Home and Native Land" she did get to enjoy it "In the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave"! The Marines were out and about today on our walk we took and I snapped this shot which needed some computer enhancement as I only brought my small lens with me today! Hey, I least I was taking pictures...We had to delay our walk a bit, as the celebrity was taking Skype Conferences, and many phones calls from well wishers wanting to talk to the Birthday Girl. Little Emmie contacted us on Skype and sang Happy Birthday to Judy twice! You had to be there.... With the morning calls over, we decided to head out for a walk up the country roads here at Sacred Rock Reserve.... this is the sign as you enter the Park...
This area is rolling hills and lots of green as you can see... it was a bit cool but the sun was with us!It was a great day for a walk, and it was nice to get out! This morning while we were talking to Shawn, Jenn and Emmie, we had a coyote run right past our rig... he was on the fly... a couple minutes later 2 big, and I mean big Jack Rabbits went tripping by.... I think we are at a wild life animal reserve..... if you look real hard in this picture, you will see a series of power generating windsmills... there are a bunch of them up by Hwy. 8. I guess Ontario will soon be the new big producer of these windmills with the recent deal signed with the Koreans and Dalton McGinty!
Up the road there is some kind of a Ranch, and this guy was guarding the gate!
You don't want to mess with them and those horns..
There was lots of country roads to walk on... and they were all shown on my GPS that I was playing with as we walked today. I am still in the learning phase of using this GPS... they are a bit of a challenge to say the least, but I am starting to win!
Nice country setting... Southern California at it's finest!
On the way back from the walk, Judy wanted to go and walk the labyrinth again. She did it the other day, and I could just tell she wanted to do it again. This is a picture of the labyrinth and a real nice rock beside it...
Attending the labyrinth is meant to be a religious experience, and time for self examination, and meditation... we started in... there is only 1 route to follow, I followed Judy...
I am not sure how old this labyrinth is, but it appears to be old. Bricks line the route, and some have begun to break down... those are logs in the centre you can sit on and reflect.
From the centre of the labyrinth, looking out. It takes quite a long time to walk into it.
Of course, me being the techno wiz, I carried the GPS with me as I went through the Labyrinth, and determined it was .5 of a mile from the outside to the inside, or 1 mile there and back.... hard to believe but it is true.... the site appears to be about 1 acre in size. Looking at the picture of the GPS below, you see many things... the sort of yellow lines is the GPS dropping "peas" as you walk forward... it can measure 1 foot in the change of it's position... the numbers at the bottom of the screen are as follows: the 3.2 means we walked a total of 3.2 miles today from the 1st step from the RV till we returned. 1:22 is simply the time of day, and the 3,509 represents the elevation of the Labyrinth above sea level. It tells you many more things on other screens...
Judy made sure we were back in time for the Toronto Maple Leaf game today, which was in New York, against the Islanders.... we lost.... :-((
We enjoyed a nice BBQ Chicken Dinner tonight to celebrate and some cake of course!
Tomorrow the temperature is going up, and we plan a full days ride over to San Diego. We can take a nice back road so we don't have to run the Interstate! We want to do a number of things in San Diego, and running a chunk of the Pacific Coast Highway is high on the list! We have burnt out a headlight on the Rig so we have to track down new headlights as well.
Thanks to everyone who called and emailed Judy for her Birthday, you all made her day!
One last item tonight, the blog has turned over 5,000 hits since we left Ontario last November 1... I cannot believe it.... we have lots of regular readers now and most days the blog receives over 50 hits. Thanks to all of you who do take the time to read and follow our adventure! Judy and I have enjoyed every minute of it... hard to believe in about a month and a half, we will be returning to Canada... the winter seems to have flown by! (Winter is now our favorite season!)
Till tomorrow...
Love the labyrinth-shaped peas on your GPS!