Yes, as Paul McCartney sang, "Here Comes the Sun...." Today was a beautiful day, with no clouds at all, nothing but sun! A bit on the cool side but that was all right with the sun out...
This park is called Sacred Rock, and we soon figured out why. Lots of rocks....
This is a shot looking up the road into the park from our RV.... it is a wide open type of park with lots of trees.... this is due to the fact we are 3500 plus feet up and that allows for the trees to grow, the climate is cooler and there is more moisture than down on the desert floor.
There are lots of trails and rocks in this area...
The trail led to the back of the property, and we followed the fence line... we walked over two miles...
This was about as far as we could walk today on the property, we were following a trail, but it came to an end. We tried to find a trail to continue but had some problems. We walked back to the RV for lunch, and I quickly figured out that I had LOST the Cell Phone.... It fell out of my belt holder.... Yikes... We had a quick lunch and decided to hike back to try and find it. I had our trail we took recorded in my GPS so we did our first "back track" with the GPS.... it worked great, and we followed our footsteps back to the corner of the property where we phoned the cell phone with our second cell phone, and low and behold we could hear the ring, somewhere in a big field. We walked to the middle of the field and phoned it again, and the phone rang right at our feet! It was kind of funny.... at least we got it back...
There is a family of 5 wild turkeys in our park and they walk around all day like they own the place. I guess all the residents feed them, so life is good in California for them... I met one of the Park Staff today that delivered us a receipt and we talked for about 1/2 an hour and he told me all kinds of stuff about the park... like that just recently there has been a bobcat coming right into our park.... hmmmm... also in this area is a cougar that has been floating around he told me... hmmmmm again.... Last night I could hear the coyotes screaming as they wandered around looking for supper, and Judy heard an Owl, which I heard this morning... lots of wildlife... All day today Judy and I could hear shooting and bombs going off in the distant, so I figure we must be close to one of the U.S. Marine training grounds again... they like to shoot things up...
Judy went to visit the park labyrinth this afternoon. This is quite a thing, you have to walk all the paths apparently to get to the centre, and you lose all your problems in life as you do this.... or something like that..... Judy can tell you more about it than I can....
You mover around from seat to seat apparently....
Took this picture for Kristina today... nothing like a lightening bolt to the gut to wreck your day!
The guy I was talking to told me we are only 2 miles north of Mexico, and I could tell as we ran across the Border Patrol vehicles this afternoon in our travel. The Mexicans cross over into the States here on a regular basis, and have passed right through this park. He told me there were some guys living here in the park a few years ago that would meet the Mexicans and drive them up to Las Vegas for a price...
We sat outside for a while in the sun this afternoon and watched our fire in the can burn.... Then it was time to watch my Toronto Maple Leafs beat Tampa Bay in OT!!!!!! Yes! Only problem here is the game now starts at 4:00 in the afternoon.... seems a little funny watching a game at that time of day... but it is a tuff job... someone has to do it!
Till tomorrow....
Thanks for mentioning Sacred Rocks on your blog! We've linked to you and are glad you enjoyed your stay. Please visit us the next time you're in Southern California.