It was wash day today at RVlifeonwheels, with a bunch of equipment getting cleaned up after the trip to Woodstock last week. The motorcycle trailer and the Jeep were a mess, but are now cleaned up and spent some time cleaning the RV.
It was a sunny, cloudy type of day, and it rained here later in the afternoon. I made a visit to RBC to take care of some banking maters and the new Manager, Tara, invited me to attend the Rotary Club meeting and have some lunch. Thanks Tara!
It was off for a visit with our family Dr. this afternoon, and just a few small medical issues to wrap up before we head south this winter.
We made our final plans on the weekend, and we will be leaving on the first leg of our trip on October 18th this year. After a dental appointment early that afternoon, we will move down to Alliston and visit with our good friends the Morrisons and stay overnight on the farm. They have lots of RV parking there! I think they even have the odd goat , some sheep
and rabbits
After leaving Alliston, we will head down to Woodstock for another visit, and then it will be off to Tennessee in time for Halloween!
Can’t wait for the adventures to begin!
Till tomorrow…
Just a little over a month to go! That's great, good luck with your preparations.