Well, just another busy day in Tennessee.... and a nice warm sunny day to boot, gotta love it. If you are just sitting down to read this blog, stop now, and go get a cup of tea or a stiff drink, as it is going to be a little long with lots of pictures...(just the way Mom likes it!)
We went in early to Shawn and Jenn's house, as I told them I would pressure wash the house siding for them, (they get a bit of dirt flying around here in Tennessee...) and fix the back deck. In between these jobs I stopped for lunch and Judy and Emmie wanted me to go for a walk with them first as they had something to show me.
Shaw and Jenn live in a nice rural subdivision, but they are close to the "country"... Here is what I mean:

Pat and John Morrision will like this picture, pure Tennessee Beef!
A little further up the road and we ran into this guy...

He was eating his lunch.
I was a little concerned walking on this country lane when I saw this sign .... (this if one for your collection Kristina...)

Judy and Emmie stopped for a minute to see if any fish were swimming by in the little river by the Mill....

Once we got back to the house, Emmie sucked me into giving her a push around the driveway in her fancy little powered car, but she was afraid to step on the gas pedal, so Pop Pop had to supply the "power"...

(you can probably tell from this picture, it was quite cold today.... he he he.....)
Shawn convinced us it was time to catch some Christmas Spirit and wanted to take us to the Town of Bristol to the famous Bristol Motor Speedway, where they set up a real neat Christmas Display of Lights. You make a donation, and you can drive throughout the entire race park and view the lights. At the end you actually drive your car on the 1/2 mile oval speedway where the Nascar races are held and stop to have a pic with Santa, and toast marshmellows on a fire. They also have some rides for the kids. A real neat idea!
This is the sign as you enter....
The lights are all done on certain themes... here is Santa's half ton.... everyone here has one....

This is the Manger Scene....

and Santa also lives in an RV apparently....

There were lots of these lights....

I had to fiddle with the camera to get the best setting while not using a flash.... it is a challenge...

This was a neat one with the dinasour and the volcano with real flames comming out of the top.... one of my favs....

It was sponsored by a propane company, imangine that....
We ran into Shawn and Jenn's neighbours and Fisher and Emmie went for a ride on an ATV and on the Train:

They really enjoyed the evening....

Shawn and Judy had to hang onto little Emmie.... she was having a ball....

We tricked Kara into taking a family picture by the fire pit....

And we finsish the picture show with Shawn, Jenn, and Emmie... thanks for bringing us on the adventure, Judy and I had a blast...

Sorry for the long blog.... but we had a busy day.... time for bed.... oh ya, I can sleep in tomorrow...I am retired.....
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