November 4, 2009
Yes, we went for a ride today. Made it to Pidgeon Forge and back. We left the RV at about 10:30 this morning, seems it takes us a while to get going these day, kind of nice to sleep in a bit, and ya know, by the time you make coffee, have breky, well, the day is getting on!
It was a beautiful Tennessee day. The sun was blazing this morning when we left, and was with us all the way to Pidgeon Forge. On the way home, the clouds took over a bit, but the temp stayed very nice.
For anyone reading (I know you are out there...) who does not know about Pigeon Forge, it is like downtown Niagara Falls where all the mueseums and entertainment is, only spread out over an area of about 5 miles. It is a tourist trap, and they have great weather. It is also located right in the shadows of the Great Smokey Mountains, and just shy of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
We made it to Pidgeon Forge at about 1:00 and hunger pains took over for both of us. We had packed our own lunch today, so stopped at a Micky Dee and used thier outside facilities for our picnic. We were not the only ones.
Did not take any pics at the Forge, but on the way home we stopped by a historic cemetry and took some pictures of the mountains. Had to get a picture of my 750 in it of course with the mountains making a nice back drop....

Judy snapped this one of me...
It was my turn to grab the camera and take one of the Eagle with the cemetry in the backround. It is a pioneer cemetry and they have been burried there for a long time.

On the way home we stopped for a rest break at a gas station, and here are the local prices for a U.S. Gallon of the good stuff: ( I tried to make the picture big so you can read it...)

We found a station selling Diesel for $2.60 a gallon which is real good here.
Thanks for the comments on the blog Jon Jon. It is great to know people enjoy following our travels.
QUIZ: On our travels today, we came accross a sign on this guy's front lawn that said "BUSH HOGGING" and it gave his phone number. My question is: What is bush hogging???? If anyone knows what it is, please post a comment on the blog site!
We received a voice mail from Shawn and Jenn tonight, who let us know they made it to Vegas and were just heading out to make a couple of bets!
So ends another great day on the road!
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