November 5, 2009.
Simply another beautiful day in Tennessee. The weather has been fantastic! It was somewhere around 65 degrees today, (allready I am starting to think like an American...) The sun was out all day and we enjoyed it.
It was a work day. I started outside around 10:00 cleaning the RV. After two days of steady driving, even though the weather was nice, it had a bunch of road grime on it and the trailer. It does take a while to clean the whole RV. Also bugs were out, and they had to be cleaned off the front....which leads to the first pics for today.

Time to clean the trailer...

Judy headed out on the Bergman with a double load of laundry to find a laundrymatt... I could not believe that you can put that big a bag of laundry under the seat of a Bergman.... good thing I did not place a bet with her....
After lunch we headed into Grey and picked up a couple light bulbs I needed for the RV and had a nice little tour on the bikes.
When we got back home, we decided to take a hike down by the lake and check out the park a bit more. Took a nice trial down by the lakeshore and here are some pics...

Lots of leaves on the ground...
I tried to get smart and set the camera on auto pilot, now if only I could keep my eyes open!

This guy was guarding a trailer, as we walked through the park... he was pretty harmless...

This tree had some sort of vine or something growing all over it, looks kind of neat, you can tell you are south of Hwy. 7 down here, the climate is real different. Judy found a note on the Rangers station telling people to come out in the middle of Dec. for a tree planting party!

My brother in law Bob, tells me a bush hog is a great big mower you put behind your tractor and start cutting down anything that seems to need cutting! Thanks Bob!
Had reports out of RBC in Gravenhurst today that it might have snowed a bit up there.... :-((
Snowed in Woodstock too yesterday! Big white fluffy ones, this morning out my window all of the houses have frost on their roofs. Enjoy your 65 degree weather (whatever that means, not as easy for the younger Canadians to switch over to Fahrenheit-thinking) ;)