Thursday, August 15, 2013

Emily Provincial Park...

Hey,the Blue Jays beat Boston last night!!! We had a great time, however I cannot show you any pictures as they are stuck on my camera, with no cell service here on my Bell Phone! Bummer...

Above, Tom and Judy get Happy Hour started at Emily tonight.

This is going to be super short tonight as iPad reception is also limited, so if you don't hear much from us fo the next 5 days, there is a reason!

Till tomorrow...



  1. Hey have too much fun there, as I now you will!

  2. I think having no internet for that location is a pretty good trade. Enjoy your stay.

  3. You are well into becoming known as a 'hermit', John.

  4. It's OK! Blogland can wait for your next blog. Have fun....and forget about the Internet issues!
