Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sidewalk days...

You will all be thrilled to hear that I did not grow that 3rd. eye last night, so everything was normal today, including feeling a lot better after that nasty cold... almost human again!

Kristina had a Banking appointment, and Dr. appointment she had to attend today, so Judy and I were on Gwenny and Charlie duty... well, let's face the facts here... mostly Judy.

We loaded the kids up this morning and headed downtown Woodstock, as the annual Sidewalk Days are on... this is usually a lot of fun, and we felt it was even better this year.

This picture above does look a little bare, but there was actually quite a bit going on today downtown.


Gwenny got a charge out of looking at the goats, and ducks, and geese that were on display of all things...


Now Gwenny got right into Fountain Fishing... actually she ended up getting soaked as she was reaching for the plastic fish with her hands... but she had a blast doing it!

Kristina was astounded when she heard Gwenny let this lady do some face painting on her... first time.


Now we are talking... FIRETRUCK!!! Kids love em... and the firefighters were showing their stuff off!

That is one happy kid driving that firetruck with her new sunglasses that Granny bought her! We had a great time walking around, and I was wondering all morning while we were out and about, as to why I NEVER hear Charlie even say one little "PEEP"...

Seems we left the Mute Button on.... ooopppssss...... sorry Charlie!

Till tomorrow...



  1. Love the Mute Button - have to get one for Mason!

    Gwenny sure looked happy in that Fire Truck. But so did her Grandpa!!

    Gwenny's stylin' with those sun glasses!

    Fun day with the kids!

  2. Love those sidewalk sale days, lotsa fun there.
    That mute button work pretty good to.
