Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hey...where did our nice weather go to???

Allright, who took our great weather??? Someone did... kind of cool and wet here again, with a little bit of sun mixed in, we expect better!

Not too much going on here the past couple days... just taking life easy. I finished up the wall paper job yesterday afternoon, and was able to put all the tools away, just sit back and admire.

Today we were off to our walking track this morning, and then this afternoon, we did a bunch of computer work around the RV, as we were expecting rain. I worked on an 80 slide power point presentation for use at our Church. Ended up taking a couple of hours...

We had an invite to have dinner with the kids, so we headed into Town...

Of course this was a great opportunity to play with Gwenny and Charlie...

I was the motor for Charlie's buggy... he loves to drive.

This was one of those moments during the day we had some fun!

...a great BBQ'd Dinner was enjoyed by all.


The kids were loaded up to head out to the ball game...

Gwenny's Grampa showed up, and a big game of "Ring around the Rosie" was played... one of those kind of days!

Till tomorrow...

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