Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A good day for the hobbies…

We had overcast skies today, with a threat of rain, but that seems to happen every now and then here, and never does rain!  They are calling for rain overnight, we will see.

Went out to the flying field this morning, and enjoyed 1 1/2 hours of flying.  No wind, with overcast skies makes for good flying.

Later in the morning, we took Judy’s Burgman down to a Coyne Power Sports in Indio to have a new set of tires installed… yup, we plain wore the old ones out!  Will be ready for pick up tomorrow.

This afternoon was spent enjoying the nice hot tubs here for an hour, and then getting serious about our Hobbies!

I have been working on my new Fusion Aircraft, and as you can see below I was working on putting one of the aileron’s on this afternoon.  They are attached with a very flexible hinge that allows them to move and deflect air.


Below they are now on, and the plane is all together.  All I need now is the hardware that is being shipped in from HeadsupRC out of Florida.


Judy has her game face on below, as she started working a  new paint by number set she picked up, you have to mix all the paints and colours… yup, looks like blue!


I know what you all are thinking… pretty exciting day for us! 

Till tomorrow…


  1. good job on applying for the cpp...Rick applied on line before he turned 60 and bingo it just started arriving in his bank account monthly..didnt' have to sign anything or see anyone..the wonders of the internet..last week he applied for his old age pension as he will be 65 in June..hopefully it will be as smooth...I'm still too young to get either :)..so hopefully by the time its my turn there will still be some there...have a super day

  2. That's a pretty skookum looking airplane you're building. We had a pretty quiet day yesterday as well.
