Thursday, February 9, 2012

Groundhog day…

If you ever saw the movie Groundhog Day, the same thing kept happening over and over and over….

Well, today, was the very same as yesterday!  The difference was we picked up the Burgman from the dealership with new tires all installed…  JC asked “what is a Burgman”.  It is a motorcycle made by Suzuki, 400 cc motor, single cylinder, automatic transmission, and goes like the wind!  That is the best way to describe it!

Here is a file picture I have of Judy’s Burgman… We use the enclosed trailer in the background to carry it, and my Honda 750 Shadow.


Augh… here is a picture of my Honda!  Problem is, it is sitting in Woodstock, Ont. while I am down here!   We brought Judy’s Burgman with us down to DHS.


In talking with our friends Tom and Cheryl, we find tonight they are the proud owners of a 5th wheel.  They purchased a 2008 Cedar Creek 39 foot 5th wheel.  Tom has a Ford F150 but I don’t think it is going to cut it!  Might be a new truck in the near future for these guys as well!


Might be able to do some serious RVing this summer back up in Ontario…

Till tomorrow…


1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Tom and Marci on their new 5'er. That's a nice rig but he'll definitely be in the market for a nice big truck to pull that one!
